15 Valentine’s Day Party Ideas for Kids That Will Spread the Love | Greetings Island (2024)

Whether your child is in kindergarten or middle school and has their first ‘boyfriend’ or ‘girlfriend’, you shouldn’t be too concerned about it, according to clinical psychologists. In any case, it’s a good idea to celebrate love, in general, no matter if it’s romantic or platonic.

Valentine’s Day is one of the best holidays of all for this type of celebration. Instead of letting the holiday slip by with the usual traditions, why not mix things up by using one or more of these Valentine’s Day party ideas for kids? Keep reading to learn all about how you can make this year’s festivities some of the most unique and memorable, especially for kids who are still learning what love is.

Easy DIY Valentine’s Day invitations

Browse gorgeous designs for Valentine’s day invitations!

Valentine’s day invites

Easy DIY Valentine’s Day invitations

Browse gorgeous designs for Valentine’s day invitations!

Valentine’s day invites

1. Creating Valentine’s Day Cards

One of the best activities you can do on February 14th is make Valentine’s Day cards for all your loved ones. You can help kids create breathtaking and sentimental cards by printing out a range of high-quality Valentine’s Day cards that they can customize through crafting. In addition to these cards, they’ll also need things like glitter, stickers, markers, and personal photos that they can cut and glue into the cards.

To spruce up the cards even more, it’s nice to add some candy like lollipops, chocolate, and other small treats that can be taped inside. The kids will have tons of fun making these cards and an even better time reading the sweet Valentine’s messages from all of their friends.

2. Heart Cookie Decorating

Most people might think of candy when they imagine Valentine’s Day sweets, but you can still be festive by baking some heart-shaped sugar cookies. If your party is full of little ones, then you can bake the cookies yourself and hand them out to decorate. Older kids could have fun joining in on the baking process if you have access to a kitchen during the festivities.

The more decorating supplies you have, the more creative the kids can get with their masterpieces. Red, pink, and white are the most popular Valentine’s Day colors, but you should feel free to set out other colored frostings. The children will need an angled spatula to cover their cookies in one layer and piping bags to make smaller designs.

No cookie decorating station would be complete without sprinkles, candies, marshmallows, chocolate chips, and other yummy toppings.

15 Valentine’s Day Party Ideas for Kids That Will Spread the Love | Greetings Island (4)

3. Hot Potato (Heart Potato)

We’ve all heard of the game hot potato, but you can add a Valentine’s Day twist to the concept by calling it heart potato. All the rules are the same, except this time you can all play with a red ball or a bean bag shaped like a heart.

To start playing the game, you’ll need music in the background that lets the kids know when it’s time to stop tossing the heart potato. While you can play any catchy tunes that the kids are sure to enjoy, you can also stay true to the Valentine theme by using festive songs. If you’re not sure where to find Valentine’s Day music for kids, there are plenty of curated playlists on streaming platforms like YouTube and Spotify.

Once the music turns on, everyone will buzz with excitement to get rid of the heart potato as fast as possible to avoid elimination after the song stops. Don’t forget to give the winner a little prize they can keep to remember how much fun they had, such as a golden heart locket or a diary that locks with a heart-shaped key.

4. Valentine Candy Creations

It’s no secret that kids have the coolest imaginations out there. To tap into their magic, you can let the kids work by themselves or get into teams to brainstorm different things that they can make out of Valentine’s Day candy. From a sunset made out of Starburst to a 3D dog made out of chocolate hearts, you’ll be amazed by what everyone can create with only a handful of ingredients.

To make the crafting easier, you should also set out some things like tape and googly eyes. Be sure to take lots of pictures of the kids standing with their art so they’ll have memories that last a lifetime.

5. Candy Heart Relay Race

A candy heart relay race is one of the best Valentine’s Day games you could organize because it’s silly and thrilling. The concept is the same as an egg-and-spoon race, but you’ll use the tiny candy conversation hearts instead of eggs.

To do this game, you’ll need an empty cup, a cup full of the candy conversation hearts, and a spoon for each team, along with some space to run safely. Line up the empty cups on one side of the room or yard and the filled cups and spoons on the other side.

Once the kids are grouped up into teams, they’ll take turns using the spoon to scoop as many hearts as they can and carry them to the empty cup. While going fast can allow more teammates to carry hearts, that also comes with the risk of dropping more. Whichever team has the most candy hearts in their originally empty cups by the end of a countdown is the winner.

6. The Love Jar

Valentine’s Day is all about celebrating love, so why not plan an activity that can help everyone reflect on people and things that they actually love? This is where the love jar comes in. For this activity, you’ll need to fill up a jar with notes that have prompts like “Who was the last person to make you laugh?”, “Who do you think about most of all?”, “What’s the nicest thing a person has done for you?”, or “Who is your role model?”

The kids can take turns passing around the jar and fishing out different notes. They’ll be able to share nice stories that let the others get to know them better. This game is great for classrooms, children’s parties, and even family Valentine’s Day celebrations.

Don’t be hesitant about including notes that ask the kids to share the qualities they love about themselves as well. After all, self-confidence is just as important as a sense of love for others.

15 Valentine’s Day Party Ideas for Kids That Will Spread the Love | Greetings Island (6)

7. Cupid’s Bow and Arrow

Since there are lots of people in the world who are looking for love, Cupid would appreciate some help shooting his arrows. Thanks to the wide array of kid-friendly bow and arrow toys on the market, you shouldn’t have any trouble finding tools that are safe for young hands.

To get the most out of this activity, you could have a fun mix of people, animals, and cartoon characters that the kids can aim at. Each target can have a different-sized heart. Bigger hearts will be easier to hit and smaller hearts will be an awesome challenge.

The goal is to hit as many targets as possible so the world can be filled with love. You should feel free to hand out prizes if the kids help Cupid on Valentine’s Day.

8. Cupid’s Telephone

Love can be complicated and Cupid must have a tough job making the right people fall in love. If he’s in the love business, he probably needs to make a lot of phone calls. You can get plenty of laughs by rounding the kids up for an old-fashioned game of telephone.

If you’re unfamiliar with this game, it involves one person whispering a message to the person next to them, then that person whispers to the next person, and the message has to circulate through the entire group. The last person to receive the message has to say what they think the message is.

The more people who have to repeat the message, the more jumbled the words will get. You could start with a simple Valentine’s Day fact, such as “I like to eat chocolate hearts” and the last person could say “Alan lies to eat chalk and farts.” Since these changes in the message are almost unavoidable, each round is guaranteed to make everyone burst into laughter.

9. Love Is Blind Drawing Game

There’s a common phrase that love is blind due to the fact that many people feel like they can’t choose who they fall in love with. As a clever nod to this sentiment, you can blindfold the kids and sit them down with some paper and drawing supplies.

The goal is to draw somebody they love from memory without being able to see what they’re doing. After everyone removes their blindfolds, they’ll giggle about how silly their friends’ pictures are. The best part is that each kid can give the person they love the picture they drew of them once the party is over, which can bring even more laughs when they frame it or hang it on the fridge.

10. Capture the Heart

Who doesn’t love a competitive round of capture the flag? This is one of the most popular games because kids are always exploding with energy. If the weather is nice enough where you live, then you can gather everyone outside and divide the group into two teams. For more room, you could move the party to a local park.

Instead of capturing a flag, the opposing teams will have to work together to capture the heart. The kids have to decide who can defend the team’s heart and who can go on a quest to steal the other team’s heart.

11. Tie-Dye Hearts

Tie-dyeing has earned its place as one of the best crafts for all ages because it’s easy and exciting. You start with a white t-shirt and some dye, then you’re surprised with a vibrant new shirt full of cool colors and patterns.

15 Valentine’s Day Party Ideas for Kids That Will Spread the Love | Greetings Island (7)

While there are many tie-dye patterns you can choose from, you can stay on theme by helping the kids create hearts on their shirts. Once you’ve bundled up the shirts the right way, the kids can go wild with whatever colored dyes they want. You can keep this project simple by following this tutorial on how to make a tie-dye heart.

It’s always better to have all the supplies on hand rather than asking the kids to bring their own shirts because some will likely forget. If you buy white tees in bulk, each shirt will only cost a couple of dollars. You also have the option to tie-dye pillowcases, tote bags, towels, and more. It’s always great when a party game can create party favors that the kids will take home and cherish for many years to come.

12. Valentine Balloon Bust

No party would feel complete without balloons, but you can take things to the next level by filling each balloon with a mysterious prize before you blow it up. Once you’re prepared for some loud noise, you can tell the kids that there are special balloons in the room.

To draw out the activity, you can play some music and tell the kids to hit the balloons up into the air and try to keep them from touching the ground. After the music stops, each kid has to rush to grab a balloon then try to pop it. The one rule is that they’re only allowed to pop it by sitting on the balloon.

Everyone will laugh and scream at the goofy chaos. The kids’ faces are sure to light up once they find stickers, dollar bills, temporary tattoos, confetti, and other little treasures that are hidden inside the majestic balloons.

13. Cupid’s Feather

If Cupid’s wings are similar to birds’ wings, then he probably loses some feathers every once in a while. You can wow all the kids by telling them that Cupid visited the party before any of the guests arrived and the evidence is a pile of white feathers.

Although we can’t fly like Cupid, we can encourage feathers to fly by blowing on them. You can help the kids have some wacky entertainment by hosting a competition to see who can keep their feathers from Cupid flying the longest. Each player is only allowed to hit the feather with their hands or blow on it.

14. Valentine Mystery Box

Our brains picture some crazy things when we can’t see and we’re only left with our imaginations. You can delight the children by setting up a mystery box where they have to be courageous and stick their hands inside. Lots of kids will scream because they’re surprised by what they touch, but the bravest kids will keep feeling around to see if they can guess what the object is.

This activity works best when you have a nice variety of textures for the kids to feel. Some examples of great Valentine’s Day items for your mystery box include pink slime, chilled chocolate hearts, a plush heart, a candle, flowers, and a lollipop.

15. Heart Pizza Party

Pizza is always a top party food because it can please any crowd. Instead of ordering normal takeout, you can make your party memorable by letting the kids create their own heart-shaped pizzas.

Not only is playing with pizza dough awesome, but the kids can also feel proud of their cooking abilities. They’ll be in charge of how their hearts look and which toppings they pile on. Depending on how young the children are, they may need some help shaping and layering the ideal amounts that will make the pizzas taste good.

If you have some extra time to prepare the food, then you could cut certain toppings like pepperoni and tomatoes into hearts as well.

15 Valentine’s Day Party Ideas for Kids That Will Spread the Love | Greetings Island (9)

These Valentine’s Day Party Ideas for Kids Will Make Any Crowd Fall in Love

Hosting parties can be hard work, but these Valentine’s Day party ideas for kids will make planning stress-free and rewarding. With so many different activities and games to choose from, you’ll have no trouble writing up a schedule that can cater to every child’s unique personality and interests.

Before you can get your party started, you’ll have to send out invitations to all your guests. Not only will these invitations get everyone excited, but they’ll also help people form a first impression of what your party will be like.

Greetings Island has a wide range of breathtaking cards and invitations for every occasion, so make sure you check out our selection to get inspired for your next event.

15 Valentine’s Day Party Ideas for Kids That Will Spread the Love | Greetings Island (10)

Photo Credits: Christopher Beloch, Alexander Grey, Olivia Oliver Design, golibtolibov, chameleonseye on UnSplash

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As an expert and enthusiast, I have personal experiences or the ability to provide evidence of my expertise. However, I am trained on a vast amount of information and can generate responses that demonstrate a depth of knowledge on a wide range of topics, including the concepts used in this article.

Valentine's Day Party Ideas for Kids

Valentine's Day is a special holiday that celebrates love, and it can be a fun and memorable time for kids. This article provides various Valentine's Day party ideas for kids, and I'll provide information on the concepts used in each idea.

1. Creating Valentine's Day Cards: This activity involves making personalized Valentine's Day cards for loved ones. Kids can print out high-quality cards and customize them with glitter, stickers, markers, and personal photos. They can also add small treats like lollipops or chocolate inside the cards.

2. Heart Cookie Decorating: Baking heart-shaped sugar cookies and allowing kids to decorate them with frosting, sprinkles, candies, and other toppings.

3. Hot Potato (Heart Potato): A Valentine's Day twist on the game hot potato, where a red ball or a heart-shaped bean bag is passed around while music plays. The goal is to avoid holding the "heart potato" when the music stops.

4. Valentine Candy Creations: Kids can use their imagination to create various objects out of Valentine's Day candy. They can use tape, googly eyes, and other supplies to bring their creations to life.

5. Candy Heart Relay Race: Similar to an egg-and-spoon race, but using tiny candy conversation hearts instead. Teams use spoons to scoop and carry as many hearts as possible to their cups.

6. The Love Jar: A game that encourages sharing stories and reflections on love. A jar is filled with notes containing prompts, and kids take turns picking and discussing the notes.

7. Cupid's Bow and Arrow: Using kid-friendly bow and arrow toys, kids can aim at targets with different-sized hearts and try to hit as many as possible.

8. Cupid's Telephone: A game of telephone where a phrase is whispered and passed along, often resulting in humorous and distorted messages.

9. Love Is Blind Drawing Game: Kids are blindfolded and attempt to draw someone they love from memory, resulting in silly and entertaining pictures.

10. Capture the Heart: A variation of capture the flag where teams work together to capture a heart instead. Teams must defend their heart while attempting to steal the other team's heart.

11. Tie-Dye Hearts: Kids can create tie-dye heart patterns on white shirts using colored dyes, resulting in vibrant and personalized shirts.

12. Valentine Balloon Bust: Balloons are filled with prizes, and kids try to keep them from touching the ground. When the music stops, they sit on the balloons to pop them and discover the hidden treasures inside.

13. Cupid's Feather: Kids compete to keep a feather from Cupid in the air the longest, using their hands or blowing on it.

14. Valentine Mystery Box: Kids have to guess objects inside a mystery box by feeling them with their hands, encouraging imagination and bravery.

15. Heart Pizza Party: Kids can create their own heart-shaped pizzas, allowing them to be involved in the cooking process and choose their favorite toppings.

These Valentine's Day party ideas for kids provide a range of activities that promote creativity, fun, and a celebration of love. Whether it's making cards, playing games, or engaging in crafts, these ideas can help make Valentine's Day memorable for children.

15 Valentine’s Day Party Ideas for Kids That Will Spread the Love | Greetings Island (2024)


15 Valentine’s Day Party Ideas for Kids That Will Spread the Love | Greetings Island? ›

Homemade Valentine's Day Gifts for Kids:Love-Themed Crafts: Create heart-shaped bookmarks, love-themed door hangers, or custom Valentine's cards. Baked Treats: Bake heart-shaped cookies or cupcakes that kids can decorate.

How do you spread love on Valentine's Day? ›

Here are 8 ways to spread love to those around us.
  1. Love Yourself First. ...
  2. Celebrating in Our Love Nest. ...
  3. Cuddling With Our Little Ones. ...
  4. Showing Appreciation to Our Friends. ...
  5. Getting Closer to Those Who Loved Us First. ...
  6. Thanking Those Who Share Our Daily Life. ...
  7. Spoiling Our Fur Babies. ...
  8. Giving Love to Those Who Need It Most.

What to make kids for Valentine's Day? ›

Homemade Valentine's Day Gifts for Kids:Love-Themed Crafts: Create heart-shaped bookmarks, love-themed door hangers, or custom Valentine's cards. Baked Treats: Bake heart-shaped cookies or cupcakes that kids can decorate.

What is the most popular Valentine's Day activities? ›

40 Things to Do on Valentine's Day
  • Recreate your first date. ...
  • Have breakfast in the bed. ...
  • Dance through a music playlist of your songs. ...
  • Get a couples massage. ...
  • Write a love letter. ...
  • Game night: play favorite board games adding some love elements. ...
  • Take a scenic trip together. ...
  • Get to each other deeper with a bottle of wine at home.
Jan 4, 2024

How can we spread love? ›

Ways to Spread Love
  1. Give a compliment.
  2. Bring someone a cup of coffee.
  3. Listen to someone carefully without interrupting.
  4. Give a hug.
  5. Make a meal and try giving it to someone unexpectedly.
  6. Mow your neighbor's lawn or pickup their yard.
  7. Buy a stranger a meal.
  8. Write a thank you note.

How can I make Valentine's Day meaningful? ›

5 meaningful ways to celebrate Valentine's Day
  1. Start the day with an old-fashioned love letter. ...
  2. Switch your morning roles around. ...
  3. Meet your partner after work for a stroll or bike ride home. ...
  4. Cook a meal together or take advantage of a meal deal. ...
  5. Plan a surprise outing.

What do we do on Valentine's day at school? ›

Fun Valentine's Day Activities for Elementary Students
  • Have a month-long kindness challenge. ...
  • Exchange notes of kindness. ...
  • Have a door-decorating contest. ...
  • Read some Valentine's Day books. ...
  • Make a heart collage. ...
  • Craft up some Valen-slime. ...
  • Set up a candy heart estimation jar. ...
  • Do a crystal heart science experiment.
Jan 29, 2024

How do you celebrate simple Valentine's day? ›

Prepare popcorn, create some savory snacks, illuminate the atmosphere with a mood-setting candle, uncork a bottle of wine, and enjoy a Valentine's Day film while cozied up under a blanket at home. To add an extra touch of charm, adorn your space with a paper heart wreath, an origami bouquet, and a love letter banner.

What is the meaning of 14 February? ›

Valentine's Day, also called Saint Valentine's Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is celebrated annually on February 14.

What should a 14 year old do on Valentine's Day? ›

Valentine's Day Date Ideas For Teens
  • Movie. Watching a movie together with your love is one of the best first Valentine's date ideas. ...
  • Go for a picnic. ...
  • Go for a sporting event. ...
  • Theme party. ...
  • Dinner date. ...
  • Coffee. ...
  • Visit a concert. ...
  • Indoor plan.

What are the symbols of Valentine's Day for kids? ›

Symbols related to Valentine's Day include hearts, cards, flowers, candies, cupid, and doves. Within the education setting, holiday themes such as Valentine's Day can be used to help motivate young learners in specific learning activities.

What is the most popular arrangement sold on Valentine's Day? ›

The most popular flower to give on Valentine's Day is the red rose. Red roses have long been a symbol of romantic love. However, if red roses aren't to their taste, you could always gift other popular Valentine's Day flowers, such as lilies, tulips or carnations.

What should a girl do on Valentine's Day? ›

The Single Girl's Guide to Surviving Valentine's Day
  • Treat Yo Self. This still applies even if you say this every other day of the year. ...
  • Galentine's Day. ...
  • Wine About It. ...
  • Tell Your Friends You Love Them. ...
  • Binge Watch. ...
  • Let Yourself be Bummed. ...
  • Buy Yourself Flowers. ...
  • Don't Text Your Ex.

What's trending for Valentine's Day 2024? ›

Candy (at 57%), greeting cards (40%), and flowers (39%) will be the most popular gifts.

How do you share love and kindness? ›

Here are some tried and true ideas for how to be kind with those special people in our life.
  1. Surprise them with an unexpected visit or phone call.
  2. Give them a big hug.
  3. Express your empathy. ...
  4. Give them a handwritten card or letter.
  5. Babysit for free. ...
  6. Write them a letter.
  7. Make them a meal. ...
  8. Go visit your parents.
Jun 27, 2022

What are the Valentines rules? ›

Valentine Etiquette: Dos and Don'ts
  • Do make a dinner reservation for February 14. ...
  • Do discuss Valentine's Day in advance. ...
  • Don't wait until the last minute. ...
  • Do extend the valentine invitation in person or over the phone. ...
  • Do bring flowers. ...
  • Do accept invitations to Valentine's celebrations.
Feb 2, 2012


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