31 Delicious and Easy Rabbit Recipes You Need to Try (2024)

Have you ever eaten rabbit? Well, funny story, I never had until I began to raise rabbits.

They take up so little space, and we needed a small meat source on our property. So when my husband brought home our first meat rabbits I wasn’t really sure what I was in for. Then we butchered our first set, and I prepared them.

It was not good at all.

But I have learned a few tricks since then.

Which is why I wanted to compile some rabbit recipes from all over the internet to help give you some ideas on how to best prepare and use your rabbit meat source.

1. Pot Roasted Rabbit Recipes

31 Delicious and Easy Rabbit Recipes You Need to Try (1)

This recipe contains mushrooms, bacon, and rabbit. Is your mouth watering yet? Because mine was from the get go.

So if you’d like to fry your rabbit meat and combine it with some other delicious ingredients, then you should certainly give this recipe a go.

Try this rabbit recipe.

2. Rabbit Stew with Red Wine

If you are a fan of meat in a wine sauce, then you’ll probably want to give this recipe a chance. It has a lot of different ingredients, but they are all natural so they should be pretty easy to locate.

However, if you aren’t a fan of red wine, you could possibly substitute regular grape juice and see if you like the taste any better.

Try this rabbit recipe.

3. Stuffed Rabbit Recipes

31 Delicious and Easy Rabbit Recipes You Need to Try (2)

I love stuffing! Seriously, it is embarrassing how much I love stuffing. If you are in the same boat, then you will probably want to give this recipe a go.

So you basically stuff a couple of rabbits the same way you stuff a turkey at Thanksgiving. Then you bake it until it is done.

Try this rabbit recipe.

4. Rabbit in Mustard Sauce

31 Delicious and Easy Rabbit Recipes You Need to Try (3)

I’ll be honest, I’m a simple country lady that usually doesn’t make many ‘sauces.’ The fanciest sauce we have around my house is gravy. My kids think I’m being snazzy when we have brown gravy instead of white.

However, I am going to have to give this recipe a try because it sounds so delicious. So even if you aren’t a ‘snazzy cooker’ you might want to consider trying out this rabbit recipe.

Try this rabbit recipe.

5. Grilled and Marinated Rabbit

31 Delicious and Easy Rabbit Recipes You Need to Try (4)

The first time I ate rabbit, we grilled it. Yet, we didn’t do it properly apparently because it was far from delicious.

However, after following rabbit recipes like this one we have had much better luck with grilling rabbit meat since. So if you’d like to try grilled rabbit, be sure to follow a recipe like this one before jumping right in.

Try this rabbit recipe.

6. Rabbit and Dumplings

31 Delicious and Easy Rabbit Recipes You Need to Try (5)

This recipe looks so appetizing. If you are a fan of chicken and dumplings, then you need to try it with rabbit.

Who knows? You may end up preferring this classic remake to the traditional dish. You’ll never know until you try it.

Try this rabbit recipe.

7. Braised Rabbit Pie

31 Delicious and Easy Rabbit Recipes You Need to Try (6)

I am a huge fan of chicken pot pie. If you love chicken pot pie too, then you might want to give this braised rabbit pie recipe a try.

So this recipe seems to be pretty basic. The ingredients are all basic and something that you should be able to pick up at any local grocery store if you don’t grow them.

Try this rabbit recipe.

8. Kentucky Fried Rabbit

31 Delicious and Easy Rabbit Recipes You Need to Try (7)

I have a secret confession. I don’t like eating out. There is just very little food out there for the money that I don’t feel like I can fix better at home.

However, if I’m going to eat fried chicken outside of the home I actually prefer KFC. So naturally my ears perked up when I saw this recipe. I can now turn my homegrown rabbit into a dish that my taste buds love.

Try this rabbit recipe.

9. Rabbit Sausage

Have you had to purchase sausage lately? I didn’t purchase any for a long time. So you could imagine my shock when I saw how high it had gotten over the period I didn’t purchase it.

Naturally, as soon as I saw that I could make my own from my homegrown rabbit I got a little giddy. I love when I can create items we love to eat as a family at home and not have to pay a premium store bought price for it.

Try this rabbit recipe.

10. Farm Fresh Fried Rabbit Recipes

31 Delicious and Easy Rabbit Recipes You Need to Try (9)

If you like fried chicken, then you’ll probably love this recipe. Again, it is a play on common favorite rabbit recipes.

However, they add a little twist to the recipe by substituting chicken for rabbit. Naturally, this could be a less expensive way to eat a favorite fried treat.

Try this rabbit recipe.

11. Rabbit Braised in Belgian Ale

31 Delicious and Easy Rabbit Recipes You Need to Try (10)

Are you a beer fan? Well, if so, then you’ll probably really enjoy this recipe. Even if you aren’t a fan of Belgian beer you still might like it even if you swapped out the liquid that you used in the recipe.

Plus, beyond the beer, all of the ingredients are pretty basic. So you probably already have them on your pantry shelf.

Try this rabbit recipe.

12. Slow Roasted Rabbit in the Sun Oven

31 Delicious and Easy Rabbit Recipes You Need to Try (11)

Have you ever used a sun oven? Well, if you have one that you use on a regular basis, then this recipe will be right up your alley.

However, if you don’t have a sun oven, don’t worry. You can prepare this delicious marinated rabbit in a regular oven too.

Try this rabbit recipe.

13. Crispy Fried Wild Rabbit Recipes

31 Delicious and Easy Rabbit Recipes You Need to Try (12)

Maybe you like the idea of eating rabbit, but you would rather hunt them instead of raise them yourself. There is nothing wrong with that. My great grandfather actually preferred that method as well.

So if this is your case, then this recipe would most likely be a goof fit. The reason is that it is suitable for wild game verses farm raised meat.

Try this rabbit recipe.

14. Rabbit Stew

31 Delicious and Easy Rabbit Recipes You Need to Try (13)

Rabbit stew seems to be the first thing that comes to most people’s minds when I mention that we raise meat rabbits.

And after seeing this recipe, I can understand why. This rich and creamy dish would be the perfect comfort food on a cold or rainy day.

Try this rabbit recipe.

15. Grilled Rabbit in Spicy Marinade

31 Delicious and Easy Rabbit Recipes You Need to Try (14)

Do you like spicy food? We do around my house. If it doesn’t have some spice to it, then my guys aren’t happy.

So if your pallet is similar then you’ll probably want to give this recipe a try as the rabbit is marinated in a spicy blend.

Try this rabbit recipe.

16. Delicious BBQ Grilled Rabbit Recipes

31 Delicious and Easy Rabbit Recipes You Need to Try (15)

The title to this recipe says a whole lot. As I’ve already mentioned, my first try at grilling rabbit was all but a catastrophe.

So to claim that you have delicious grilled rabbit is no small feat. Since they feel that confident in their recipe, it is definitely one worth trying.

Try this rabbit recipe.

17. Rabbit Sausage

31 Delicious and Easy Rabbit Recipes You Need to Try (16)

This is another rabbit sausage recipe. This time the rabbit is left in patties instead of being formed into links.

So if you love a good sausage patty, then you’ll want to give this recipe a chance. Especially if you can raise the meat to make it for a lot less money than raising a pig.

Try this rabbit recipe.

18. Grilled Marinated Rabbit with Lemon and Rosemary

This sounds like a recipe that will dance all over your pallet. It begins with marinating the rabbit. Then you’ll get a nice smokey flavor from the grill.

Finally, the lemon and rosemary will show up and give a very aromatic taste to the dish. So if this sounds like a pallet wonderland to you, then you’ll want to try out this dish.

Try this rabbit recipe.

19. German Rabbit Stew

31 Delicious and Easy Rabbit Recipes You Need to Try (17)

The rabbit stew that you may be accustomed to is usually cooked with different vegetables and forms a darker broth.

However, German rabbit stew is a little different. This stew is a little more creamy because they do use a sour cream base along with a few other extra ingredients that isn’t quite as common in the American version of rabbit stew.

Try this rabbit recipe.

20. Rabbit Gumbo

31 Delicious and Easy Rabbit Recipes You Need to Try (18)

As soon as I saw this recipe, my mouth began to water. We are big gumbo people around our house. Rabbit is a milder meat like chicken.

So the vegetables, spices, and sausage really help to spice this dish up and bring it to life. Again, if you like a spicier dish then you’ll probably like this one.

Try this rabbit recipe.

21. Rabbit Curry

31 Delicious and Easy Rabbit Recipes You Need to Try (19)

This is another recipe that will absolutely have your mouth watering as soon as you look at it. If you are a fan of curry, then you’ll probably want to give this recipe a gander.

So it actually seems pretty easy to make and uses mostly basic ingredients that most people would have on hand in their pantry.

Try this rabbit recipe.

22. Rabbit Side Bacon or Jerky

31 Delicious and Easy Rabbit Recipes You Need to Try (20)

My kids and husband love bacon and jerky. We make it a lot from deer. So when I realized I could take our rabbit and provide a second type of bacon or jerky, I got really excited.

So the recipe is actually really simple and rather frugal (which is a rarity for homemade jerky.) Plus, the tutorial includes a good amount of pictures to help you through the process.

Try this rabbit recipe.

23. Braised Rabbit Recipes

31 Delicious and Easy Rabbit Recipes You Need to Try (21)

I love this recipe. Not only does it appear simple, fresh, and not use any off the wall ingredients (in my opinion.)

But it also teaches you how to make some delicious rabbit stock. I’ve done this in the past and love rabbit stock. So any recipe that teaches me how to make more than one thing at a time, I’m a fan!

Try this rabbit recipe.

24. Orange Rabbit Recipes

31 Delicious and Easy Rabbit Recipes You Need to Try (22)

Do you like orange chicken? Our family eats a variety of flavors. Orange chicken happens to cross our table regularly.

So when I found this recipe for orange rabbit I was elated because even though we raise chickens, rabbit are just a faster meat source which means I usually have more of it available.

Try this rabbit recipe.

25. Wild Rabbit and Dumplings Southern Style

31 Delicious and Easy Rabbit Recipes You Need to Try (23)

This is another recipe that is apparently good for using wild rabbit. Again, usually the only difference between farm raised rabbit and wild rabbit is that wild rabbit has a gamier flavor.

Also, it usually requires more of them per recipe because obviously they aren’t as big since they live strictly on foraging. So if you are looking for a delicious recipe to utilize any type of rabbit, then give this one a glance.

Try this rabbit recipe.

26. Rabbit Cacciatore

31 Delicious and Easy Rabbit Recipes You Need to Try (24)

Are you unfamiliar around the kitchen? Then you might want to stop your rabbit cooking adventure right here. The reason is because this recipe only requires a few basic ingredients and has only three steps in completing the whole dish.

So don’t be intimated by cooking rabbit. Start with a simple recipe (like this one) to gain confidence in your cooking skills.

Try this rabbit recipe.

27. Southern Fried Rabbit Nuggets

31 Delicious and Easy Rabbit Recipes You Need to Try (25)

Do you have people in your life that are a little leery about eating rabbit? Or maybe children that are rather picky eaters?

Well, if either of these is true for you then you might want to start with this recipe. It shows you how to fry up rabbit in a way that is very similar to chicken nuggets.

Try this rabbit recipe.

28. Rabbit Ligurian Style

31 Delicious and Easy Rabbit Recipes You Need to Try (26)

This is an Italian recipe that would most likely only be used on special occasions. I say that because the recipe itself claims that it is a difficult dish to make and it is a little on the costly side to make as well.

But I think it is good to have delicious meals like this in your back pocket for special holidays and celebrations.

Try this rabbit recipe.

29. Grandma Braised Rabbit Recipes

31 Delicious and Easy Rabbit Recipes You Need to Try (27)

This dish is a little different from the other braised rabbit recipes I’ve already mentioned. The reason is they claim it has a New Orleans flare to it.

So if you like Cajun cooking, then your rabbit recipe would probably be more enjoyed if it packed that Cajun flare with it.

Try this rabbit recipe.

30. Braised Rabbit Ravioli

31 Delicious and Easy Rabbit Recipes You Need to Try (28)

My family loves ravioli. So when I came across this recipe for homemade ravioli that is stuffed with braised rabbit, I had to share it with you guys. I figured anyone else that loved pasta or had kids that loved pasta would probably want to give it a try.

So they add to the flavor of the ravioli by adding a jus and caramelized shallots. It sounds divine!

Try this rabbit recipe.

31. Rabbit Stifado

31 Delicious and Easy Rabbit Recipes You Need to Try (29)

If you are unfamiliar with a stifado, it is a Greek stew. We’ve covered the American version of rabbit stew. Then we covered the German version of rabbit stew.

Now, we are on to the Greek version of rabbit stew. The recipe appears very simple but also very delicious.

Try this rabbit recipe.

So for those of you all that are considering raising meat rabbits but weren’t really sure what you’d do with them, I hope that these 31 rabbit recipes have now inspired you in your culinary efforts.

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31 Delicious and Easy Rabbit Recipes You Need to Try (2024)


What is the best cooking method for rabbit? ›

The best way to get tender rabbit meat is by butchering them around the 12-week mark (depending on the breed) and cooking them low and slow. A crockpot is a fantastic way of cooking rabbit for tender, fall-off-the-bone meat.

How do you tenderize rabbit meat? ›

In order to tenderize the meat, we are going to marinate the rabbit overnight. For the deep fried rabbit, I prepared a buttermilk base with some rosemary and thyme. The recipe below will give you the exact ingredients. Make sure it soaks for a minimum of 12 hours, but 24 is better.

What flavors go well with rabbit? ›

Light bodied red wines such as Pinot Noir would generally pair well with rabbit dishes that are presented without sauce. Other light wines that may work well when paired with rabbit include Gamay, or even potentially Grenache. Since rabbit is a very lean meat, you will want to seek wines that are low in tannin.

Is rabbit a healthy meat? ›

Rabbit meat is a nutrient-rich and affordable food with a lower environmental impact than red meat from cattle or sheep. Rabbit meat is considered healthy, as it is lower in fat, cholesterol and sodium than other types of meat, and rich in protein.

Why do you soak rabbit before cooking? ›

A Brine Keeps the Rabbit Moist

And while the combination seasons the rabbit nicely, the buttermilk and salt give you a little wiggle room to ensure that the cooked rabbit doesn't dry out.

What do you soak rabbit meat in? ›

The meat is slightly darker and has more flavor, but can also be slightly tougher,” says Christopher Eley, who explains that the best way to prepare a wild rabbit is to soak it in either a saltwater solution or buttermilk. Saltwater will draw out any remaining blood and start to tenderize it.

How do you cook rabbit so it's not tough? ›

Cooking Temperature

Your mileage may very, but cooking at a low temperature will make your life easier by preventing your rabbit from becoming tough — you won't have to babysit it as much as high-temperature cooking. In the oven, this means 250f is sufficient for roasting in a pot, which will take ~2-2.5 hrs.

Why do you soak rabbit in milk? ›

The milk/vinegar mix (similar to buttermilk) will help to brine/pre-season the meat and impart moisture, while keeping the meat tender. Once your rabbit is soaking in the fridge, prepare your dredge. Mix all ingredients and run them through a sifter if you so desire, otherwise mix until hom*ogeneous.

Should rabbit be marinated before cooking? ›

Before cooking the rabbit, it's best to let it marinate, this will enhance the flavours and also serve as an agent for the breading, so to get the crispy crunchy crust when fried. To marinate the rabbit, mix in buttermilk, garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, chili flakes, salt and pepper.

What season can you not eat rabbit? ›

This sentiment still persists today among hunters who warn against killing rabbits, hares and even squirrels between April and September, even if it's legal to do so. The belief is that during the warmer months they are inedible, parasite- and disease-ridden varmints.

What spices do rabbits like? ›

What herbs can rabbits eat?
  • Basil.
  • Coriander.
  • Dill.
  • Mint.
  • Parsley.
  • Oregano.
  • Rosemary.
  • Sage.

What alcohol pairs with rabbit? ›

Since it's a mild-tasting and lean meat, if it's prepared simply, I'd recommend a light-bodied wine that wouldn't overpower it, such as a delicate Pinot Noir or a white Rhône-style wine. If it's prepared in a sauce, do your best to match the wine with the sauce.

Why can't you eat a lot of rabbit meat? ›

The term rabbit starvation originates from the fact that rabbit meat is very low in fat, with almost all of its caloric content from the amino acids digested out of skeletal muscle protein, and therefore is a food which, if consumed exclusively, would cause protein poisoning.

Why is rabbit meat not sold in stores? ›

Firstly, as others have said we regard them primarily as pets now, or as fur-bearers. Children in particular would be upset to see dead rabbits in the shops. Secondly, rabbit meat is so lean that if you rely on it as a staple you can get malnutrition.

Why is rabbit meat not popular? ›

Rabbit's low popularity also stems from the agricultural industry as a whole. Many farm animals had dual purposes or were low maintenance to raise and breed, making them staples of the agricultural industry. Chickens provide eggs, pigs live off waste products and scraps, and cows provide milk.

What is the best way to eat rabbit meat? ›

Rabbit Cooking Methods

The front legs are tiny and are best to set aside for stock or stew. The hind legs are tough and almost always need a moist braise. Lean rabbit meat really begs for bacon, or ventreche, to add some fat and protect it during cooking. So don't be shy with the duck fat, olive oil, or bacon.

What are the methods of cooking rabbit meat? ›

Rabbit meat can be cooked using various methods, depending on your preferences. Some popular cooking methods include roasting, stewing, grilling, or sautéing. These methods can help enhance the natural flavors and ensure that the meat is tender and juicy.

How do you tenderize a rabbit before cooking? ›

Marinating the rabbit in buttermilk for two to eight hours helps to tenderize the meat and add flavor and moisture to the finished product. Start the recipe with a buttermilk soak. The enzymes and acids in buttermilk help to both tenderize and add flavor and moisture to the lean rabbit meat.

Can rabbit be cooked rare? ›

Wild rabbit must be cooked well done to kill any tularemia bacteria; for rare or medium cooked rabbit dishes, chefs can substitute farm-raised rabbits that have been kept segregated from their wild relatives by trustworthy breeders.


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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.