The Kansas City Star from Kansas City, Missouri (2024)

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The Kansas City Stari

Kansas City, Missouri

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ammamommeiworrJummono Iavamoommatamemplocai adontaltoomumow tt I a rI WEDNESDAY MARCIE 19 1919 THE KANSAS MTV STAR 0 4 THE KANSAS CITY STAR All llez old His "Tow- Horsego?" r'orvrr F'rrtrsrprn 1 tQA Wif114N1 NEIS41N Ail IkttP114: Tire KANSAS ell KANSAA CITY MO handicap because of the restrictions then In posed Two of the amendments those relating to Mato aid in road winding and to hoiliing finance tho purchase of farms reeognize the necessity of cutting away these old restrictions Tile third inakill possiblo a recognition Of modern methods of taxation 'rho general legislation passed was STARS In tho nIght tut a great hill SN'Ith pines armant tyle Spicy and And a heaven full of Ha's over tny head Whitt and tia4 And misty red Myriads alth beating Hearts tot fife That aeons Ca linut TX or MA Frr Irrin4 11 Atit* 1vontn1 end eitindev Only en ttetere Ft iNfiok by etteritn In Witntots City and viutn The Author of the Outstanding Book of the World War Is a Leader of the New Thought in Awakening Spain ity 1 5 VOY1t wpok i4" rT WI it: 1 6 rat her mitt In harart yr There were WPM( ont rPrir 17 gn All nittil hubgerlp- op" I oblem prosyntell that the legIMa tarP Ilona are payabir In ad VIVICP pr refusol to face But in view of the retered titi verert4 etrpqt rentter At ti404 five et 'K nnele City Mo under the Of the constitutional antend 1 merits proposed there will he a general 41 or 3 1S79 Thibliention office Elgilteenth Street and' rlok the Avenue I disposition to oveo undi tin- 1 guished record in the matter of new for Sin Mt nn A te or 12-pare piippr 1 rent 1 01 to 24 rft 2 statute4 rents over 24 nneeq add I cent for each 8 The governor and the legislature are pages or frtetton of I both to he ennerotillotoil col their for Iboth to he congratulated on their far hammering upon the doors of the world's torum demanding a place in the ranks of that vwitily increasing proctission of progressive devotees who are moving towards the rising sun of the New Inty TIII SyrrING OF THE Tho popularity Of this book is not due whollY to its intrinsic merits There is a factitious element to itt4 wido circulation It was born at UR 1111SpitiOLIA time for th4 acceptance in the gloom that fol lowed the sweep of the Germans to the NlitElle it was the product Of a writer belonging to a neutral looker on of the tremendous world Ibanez was one of the first men Of Spain to cry out at the ignominious attitude ot his country and to demand that it place itself upon the side of the Allies anti help fight the great battle for humanity It was the propagandist character of the book that speeded up its FTIONI a 1 literary standpoint Spai to thu Spanish-Aerican War of 1S9S VMS a land wrapped in the slumber robes of a romantic classicism concerned chiefly with cavaliers and casties Cids and grandees argosies and ingots and other such things appertaining to the golden age of the Sixteent and Seventeenth centuries Mention of Spanish literature in that ante-bellum era even to the well informed in bookish lore would have brought to the mind only such names as those of Lope ae Vega the dramatist the picaresque Caldron Cervantes the Quixotean satirist or Gaides the founder of the national novel With the exception of a few insurgent spirits literary Spain seemed content to let the outside world wrestle with the big problems of life Up the dot no jf 11k it rtt I I ittell tilill iii kilIng Stittely kind bull An 1 know flint I Ato lionr11 to to to' HO 1101111 rt1ajsr Testaslahs ist the Acw Yord A STARBEAMS Saturday it is said L4 the (lay we may be advised further the open league covenant beller11' be in process of being openly arris1 this week Better lay by all tho 1111)11I'V 04 now bevause the neXt may be one of those extruvagiell publican regimes Mr Bryan used us about Mrwrrn nr VIII AOIneTtOrn rrIPIII reachirg proposals to help make the old 1 constitution a better instniment for 0 AqRorintrri Pros 14 evelofo-elv entl- to the 1e rr rppublieltion of MI rAWIII te1 tO It nr nnt otherwle rretilpd in meeting modern needs Piper an1 alSO the local news pubtished Pilomerr Anttrilcm In T4reVtee elf vesr11tiPntinn Of Preclal L19- Aqsorinterl Pres le evelusl-elv entltn the 11P fnr refiliblientInn of MI rAwR to It nr not otberwle eredied in wiper and also the local news published rielltR of renliblientIon of special L15- The rreditei this herein MI pntehes are OA) reSerVPd Dr Gerzo annnyana In to lamtmark MIillt7 roll-flare paid circulation of The discovery of the new world eXTITII fnllowf4: "Ipy ercised a sort of selection among the inMoroing nver go) habitants ts of Europe A the colonists Weokly Star (iveragel 3247:06211 except the negroes were voluntary ex iles The fortunate the deeply rooted WEDNESDAY MARCH 19 and the lazy remained at home the wilder instincts or dissatisfaction of others tempted them beyond the horizon Tim PRESIDENT! ti F11111USTER The knieriran is accordingly the most Important domestic legislatiOn is adventurous or the descendant of the awaiting the action of Congress Every most adventurous of Europeans It is in day- dnlay Is a hi expetwe to the coml his blood to he socially a radical though perhaps not intellectually What has ex- try The only reason Congress is not' isted in the past especially in the remote called in special session is because the 110 cnnniu ts im past Feems to him not 14 I the Cuban This brought him again behind primon walls On his release ho kept up hid propaganda for Cuban independence Ills period or greatest literary activity began after the SpanitthAnterican War The "Four Horsem*n" is not ranked by European mitten as his best book Ile has written twenty other volumes several of which now are in procese of tranelation "The Cabin" a work of intense power written upon the theme what a cost it 18 earned and how evil It makes men!" anti "La Maja Desnuda (The Naked Maid)" founded upon Coya's painting under the same title are said to be hie nutsterpleces Clatza "A hanging on the wall poem" a sentiment mo written that the characters suggest a sunny meadow a starlit night or a wisteria in full bloom is an art of the Chinese poet The literary language of China may exprems a shade of feeling by a peculiar brush stroke and naturally translation Into English is difficult as we depend on words and phraminge to convey impressions while the poetic language of China has Its Own class of characters and its own symbolism apart from the language of businees of law or the spoken language Amy Lowell and Florence Ayscough in Poetry have made translations from the leading Chinese poets the "word pictures" which in their originals show a craftsmanship of brush suited to the Ideas they convey These poems some of them written a thousand years ago others in the last century all show the love of Nature that is a part of the Far East One scene of Eastern romance is brought to Western readers in the poem of Li Haiku a Nineteenth Century poet under the simple title "An Evening Meeting:" The night is the color of spring mists The lamp flower falls And the flame bursts out brightly in the midst of the disorder of the dressing a ble Ides a black eye stone A golden hairpin has fallen to the ground-She leans against a Nereen Arch coquettish weleoming his arrival 'Then suddenly striking the strings of her table lute She And her face' is like rain whitening the iorge of Witches And like the bright busy movement of the Western tqa The Orient is no stranger to this form of free verse "Winter" is a typical example twas lonely in the cold valleys Where I INAS stationed But I am still And when no One is near sigh My gluttonous wife rails at me To guard her baniboo shoots My sou has neglected The vegetables yes old red the car) satisfy hunger And poor people can buy muddy unstrained On credit But the pile of land tax bills Is growing I wit go over and see my neighbor Leaning on my staff In China poetry is read with a modulated chant the tints anti intonation changing with subject in hand KANSAS NOTES The Medicine Lodge Republican says it is queer that an I who doesn't believe in any law should put his faith in a lawyer who is trying to clear him on a technicality We suppose under the prsrp League of Nations plan wo shookt ti4 tremendously interehted in Lhe tween the Ukrainians Mill the poi along the Przemyst-Lembure lino ell week Indeed under the effect ct of we might be viewing i ray with the knowledge that we might ha4 to help pay for it or perhaps go uel and help settle it But ILS the is not yet ratified Ave are unplyitr4 detached view for all it is Wort fact is we don't give a darn and don't intend to until the tolkr1 forces of Europe come over compel us to Where there's a will there'! a way sang a paragrapher long ate At4 where there's a Wilson there's a W10a way 1' -IJ1 1 way L1 tlr 711' 41- 4 41' 1 I vs 7 A-ti't t4A'''' i-'4 6' -4 4tk- irfrAlm '-r 'i l'Y' -0 1 hf Alb2 k4 4 It )tv 4' isi t---Ac t1 0 A C11vpSwit-KAz i T' 41 ''9 '''e' vkL 4 'i ''Vi'L -444414 "1 c' 04 4 toff 1 ku'4A? 41t -414 0' 414' 44 f- 6' il 1 I ie m(lt i 'IY'44'411( 4II) ('IAt 4 if 1 I 'I -i4 l' 4 -1 wttil -'1 4 Al'' 7411 t'iok' -A8-'c' til Ots- 1 htit: t' iirfi1P7 4J))))pp i4 1 1 A- r74f- N1i'4 kges it- ec Z' A )i 4N 'k4i 't0'! '''4'14 4 P'4141 14'' liAtti5t '44 i 0y 41 14' 1 irf '0-1r144 -s 4: 1 -4 4 7-70 rt Pto 1 vkkitailk jciN i'''- 'A -N Itit: 'i '''''1'1014hli Nle- 4' 4 VtTi' 0 ip fi' lA 1 11 '41 'v' it iii4cgi'k''14If Tr' Acp 1 4 1 10qh' 'T ilgf 774' 04141'Z''L'' A4 2--v4ksk'Clpit' k0'0-- 1 4tlers tk tt am: 41 '4 4 -d-)r- i'li 777t i Thfi 4'iLic -e--r --4 -74' 4 4g' --4N -qe' 444 1 i 4 '44 44 4 -11 4 414 4 't-P ik 1 2 0 0 ill'k C' "'i' 'e '''L 1' A1 if C2r 14 1 lr 0 A -A 4 7 i 16 '7 tl 14 4tt' -ctt-- 4-k --4zi--4-irs--- 'il 4'4- -3- k----i- nr 1 -1 41''ic1-- I'l N'IMrTf- 1' A frt "The reason the slacker don- his Joy at the return of the sH11rs believes "is that he lost during the loan and charity shouting 'to Hell With the kLcr- Yes it doubtless was a cnHriv1 that brought plenty of gas City as soon as the price weto cents and there probably will i the minute an effort is ivat price back to a reasonahl Street car service gas telephone connections all ar r'y cate instruments susceptillo t) slightest shock occurring at register a 1 't il only not au-President doesn't wish it to debate the thoritative hut irrelevant inferior and League of Nations in his absence outworn lie finds it rather a sorry This presidential filibuster beats any- waste of time to think about the past at thing ever conceived by even Senator La all Put his enthusiasm for the future Follette How long is it to last is profound he can conceive of no more decisive way of recommending an ITAs Senator Lodge really eontem ion or a practive than to say that it is plated what he is going up against MI what everylmily is corning to adopt This expectation Of what he approves or debating with a Lewd in view of the approval of hat he expects makes up well known faet that in his optimism It is the necessary faith Home a the bean and the cod of the pioneer The CabotN talk only with howella And the Lowelle talk only with G011 AM' Go Kirk TO MUSIC AMERICA IS NOT GERM NY'S APOLraderewskt Ilan Dropped Inauranee on OGIST ItI Fingerm a Friend Says When it comes to fixing the real pare Pro' SR Fruncis0 Hulk terms to what reparatien The keyboard for poi it Is the barter Ignace Paderewski famous Germany shall make what penalty she epriiuilistar now ii)c owl premier of the new gov nrteilt shall suffer for her monstrous crimes Poland has riuide and $A- against civilization is to be hoped 000 irsun rac is fingers ngers $5000 has en that the American delegation will not i apioce be allowed to lapse appear as apologist for this pirate This was the information given out among the nations the other day by It Morowitz of Chi- cago who is an intimate friend of the When the armistice was first proposed last autumn a spokesman of the admin- pianist The insurance on each of the ten nnistration announced that it was the gers of the pianist was allowed to go Predent's intention to make a "heality! I by the board when the policies expired peace" As much was inferred from Mr December 31 last This is the first time -Wilson's response to the German over- in fifteen years Morowitz explained tures and the White House was deluged that the digits have not been "covered" with protests As a consequence the and the neglect is due to the fact that administration's attitude was changed the artist has decided to devote the re-- maining years of his life to a political and the loch armistice terms were career in the interests of his country adopted and its people Undoubtedly this distrust of the Presi- Morowitz says that the last letter dent's peace attitude was a prime rea- he received from his friend was March on for the repudiation by the country 3 and it was in that communication that he was told of Paderewski's action of his appeal to elect a Democratic Con in allowing his policies to lapse The grass The return of a Republican ma premium on these Morowitz says was jority in the House of nearly fifty was 4 a a year an indication of the sentiment of Amer lea Suggest Hari Caine for Deland Read Nevertheless Germany has constantly rti'm this 7scewl Sir Hall Caine one of the most widely Interpreted the President's attitude to known public figures in the Isle of Man mean that the United States would not has been suggested by the Isle of Man be so severe as the other powers There Times as a fitting successor to the pres has been more or less justification for ent governor of the island Lord Raglan this assumption He was the originator and leader of the Only this morning for instance a movement for Manx home rule which Paris dispatch says that practically has been sought by the islanders for many dissatisfactiohn has been every delay in the conclusion of peace 1 nrsi career in tne Interests or Ins country adopted and its people this distrust of the Pre Morowitz says that the last letter dents peace attitnde was a prime rea- he received from his friend was March aon for the repudiation by the country 3 and it was in that communication that he was told of Paderewskrs action of his appeal to elect a Democratic Con- gress The return of a Republican ma in allowing his policies to lapse The premium on these Morowitz says was jority in the House of nearly fifty was $1375 a year an indication of the sentiment of Amer Ica Suggest Hall Caine for Islend Reed Nevertheless Germany has constantly the New't Sir Hall Caine one of the most widely Interpreted the President's attitude to known public figures in the Isle of Man mean that the United States would not has been suggested by the Isle of Man be so severe as the other powers There Times as a fitting successor to the has been more or less justification for ent governor of the island Lord Raglan this assumption He was the originator and leader of the Only this morning for Instance a Imovement for Manx home rule which Paris dispatch says that practicallylhas been sought by the islanders for many years Much dissatisfaction has been every delay in the conclusion of peace felt by Manxmen over the policy of THE FOCH nonsmaIN OP THE APOCALYPSE FROM A PAINTING BY ALBRECHT HUBER "Lost Clause" (loos liaLlt Which reminded Will Ilii2or Follies to wire back from rill( inLoi ask what beame of the losi the fourteen one L1K "The Freedom of the Seas" A Cleveland woman says now men have been taught to cook and hi house in the army they should and cook and keep house Mil leaving the women free to world Will the women agreo 1)17T to bring guests home to tlinnor first calling up to find there is enough food in Ow boo! feed them? 'C 111-1 (I r' nth: down In the great cataclyem that fob in the Wake Of the "Four Horsem*n" let loose by the "Beast of Berlin" st Ile THE ell AP INIIIIC010 I kHtinyers was it Ilitt I VII Of Franco born in the H111)1164 Of Paris opposed to the empire anti despairing of lila country's fate after the Franco-Prussian War he emigrated to South Ameriva determined to expatriate himself and east in hie lot with a new country Dere he married the daughter et Don Ikladarlaga one of the must renutrii able characters of the hook Spaniard who had gone to South America and las come a cattle king centaur Of the kiwis WV re 101 tensive UM "some of the nations" whose cattle were a 11 in herless and whose wealth was In the multbmillions Later to the mime region came Karl Ilartrott an offshoot of German nobility Desnoyers Married Louisa ono of the daughter a of the old patron and Von liartrott married the ((lily other daughter Elena At the death of Madariaga the millions were divided and on the eve of the great war Von Ilartrott took his wife and family to Germany and set up his estate and Desnoyers went back with his family to the city of his tt castle at Villebranche and set out to twind his millions Von liartrott's son Julius became "Doctor N'on Ilartrott" of tho thorough Teuton Ills cousin Julio the only son of Desnoyers set up for an artist a beauty-boy and a Launcelot of many affairs Then like a thunder clap came the threats of war and Doctor Von Ilartrott who is visiting in Paris calls upon the Desnoyers to bid them farewell saying: "War will be declared tomorrow or the day after Nothing can prevent it now It is necessary for the welfare of humanity We are not making war in order to punish the Serbian regicides nor to free the Poles nor the others oppressed by Russia We wish to wage it because we are the first people of the earth and should extend our activity over the entire planet Germany's hour has sounded We are going to take our place as the powerful mistress of the! world The storm flag of the empire is! now going to wave over nations and oceans the sun is going to shine on a great slaughter" And he re-' to Germany to don his spiked 'helmet To Desnoyers the whole thing seemed Impossible W'hen Von Ilartrott had departed he told himself that the man must be crazy: "What a brute" he exclaimed "And to think that they are at large these originators of these gloomy errors Who would ever believe that they belong to the saute land that produced Kant the pacifist serene Goethe and Beethoven To think that for many years we have believed that they were forming a nation of dreamers and philosophera occupied in working disinterestedly for all mankind!" Thus the divided family confronted each other in the great conflict and the story is interwoven in pictures of compelling realism throughout the early stages of the war to the repulse Of the Germans at the Marne THE OF TILE FOUR poesestisse The "Four Horsem*n of the Apocalypse" from which the title of the book is derived appear merely as a great elemental background to the moving figures of the plot which crowd its foreground It is the vision of the Revelation interpreted by Tehernoff a dreamy drunken mystical Russian revolutionary whom Desnoyer's son Julio picked up in the streets of Paris as an interesting companion The chapter in which the "Four Horsem*n" appear i 3 one of Ithe most dramatically intense in ary literature The war has been declared I The wild crowds were parading the streets of Paris Julio and his friends Argensola and Tchernoff watching them from the window of Jullo's atelier Tchernoff in an ecetatical monologue was reviewing the history of civilization Suddenly he goes to the window and looking out at the sky he proclaims in the voice of a voice of a I DeQuincean 'Dark Interpreter:" Anti when the Cliii arises Iin a few hours the world svill Fee cours' ingithrough its fields the four hersem*n enemies of mankind Already their wild steeds are pawing the ground with impatience already the i lbom en ed riders have come together and are exchanging the last words before leaping into the saddle" "What horsem*n are these?" asked Argensola "Those which go before the Beast" "What beast is that?" TCIIi(SOiTS DEsChIPTION "That of the Apocalypse" Tchernolf described the Apocalyptic beast rising from the depths of the sea The four horsem*n were preeeding the appearance of the monster in John's vision Four enormous animals covered with eyes and each having six wings The sounding of trumpets was greeting the breaking of the first seal "'Come and see' cried one of the beasts in a stentorian tone And the first horseman appeared on a white horse In his hand he carried a bow and a crown was given unto him Ile was Conquest according to some the Plague according to others "'Come forth' shouted the second animal removing his thousand eyes And from the broken seal leaped a flame colored steed Ilis ruler brandished over his head an enormous sword Ile was War Peace fled front the world before his furious gaiter) humanity was going to bP exterminated 'And when the third seal was broken another of the Wi nged animals bellowed like a thunder clap 'Come and see' Ile who mounted it held in his hand a scale in order to weigh the maintenance of mailkind lie was Famine "The fourth animal saluted the breaking of the fourth seal with a great roaring ami see: And there appeared a pale colored horse Ws rider was called Death and power was given him to destroy with the sword and with hunger and death and with the beasts of the earth The four horsem*n were beginning their mad desolating course over the heads of terrified humanity Tchernoff was describing the four scourges of the earth as though he were seeing them "God is asleep forgetting the world" cried Tchernoff "It will be a long time before he awakes and while he sleeps the four IPildal horsem*n of the Beast will course through the land as its only lords" There is one reason however why the exellange editor dreads the time when the President must call that special session of Congress and that is that it will take the Homer llochs to WaQhington The exchange editor if he had his way would keep them in the Marion Record cff ice that were heralding in the new century( But the war of laaa with Its great disUndoubtedly illusionments reacted powerfully upon the progressive leaders of thought in Spain and started a modern renaissance that in some of its aspects and prod- ucts has challenged the attention of the world At the head of this movement one figure stands out in strong that of Vicente Blasco Ibanez best known to American readers as the au- thor of the "Four Horsem*n of the Apocalypse" The rise of Ibanez in the literary herb pres- zon has been phenomenal Yesterday almost an unknown his reputation to-1 day has swept across the world like a' comet met And so far outside of Europe it rests mainly upon his Four Horsem*n" Fifty-eight editions of this book have presses are on- 1 r'een printed and still th has been due to objections raised by the able to keep up with the demand for it -ti Great Britain which excludes the island American peace the from di participation in imperial at- It has been translated into a dozen or President Particularly has this been fairs and from advantages of imperial more languages Competent true In regard to reparations punish- legislation such as insurance and old I men as William Dean Ilowells in this ment of the ex-kaiser and his fellow age pensions Deadlocks between the eountry--pronounce it the greatest novel criminals and the delimination of Ger elected and nominated branches of the produced by the war and its author legislature frequently have re-! awoke overnight as it were to find his man frontiers i I name linked with those of Turgeniev was quickly translated into all the languages represented by the Entente Powers and in Spain it gave fresh impetus and nucleation to the anti-German agitation But aside from this it is a work that must inevitably have won its way to a place among the enduring books of the war for it is pitched upon a plane far above the thousands of ephemeral products of the press that have been poured forth in such profusion since the war began It is a novel with a purpose classic in its execution tense in its dramatic situations naked and unafraid in its realism a master's work with a world wide appeal Marcelo Desnoyers the central character of the story is a Spanish-French "Mr Brit ling" with this distinction: Brit ling the Englishman "saw it through in the mental reactions of his garden and fireside Desnoyers "saw it through" in the stricken fields of France and under the very heel of the Hun campaign of terrorism at the height of its exuberant and arrogant brutality The people who thought the question out for Desnoyers were the soldiers who fought in the bloody trenches the women bereft of their sons the violated maidens the slaughtered youths and Desnoyers himself who saw all the dreams and hopes of his life go Governor Gardner of Missouri who says he has heard of no crime wave in Kansas City should obtain a copy of last Sunday's Topeka Capital The Capital printed as a first page news story a detailed record of all the crimes which might be classified as criminal violence in Kansas City since January 1 The details in the article justified the Capital's headlines which read: Kansas City is the Capital of the Critn lissouri Itaozo Town Sots Paco In Murders A-atins itobledles Mtdor Car Thefts am! Slav rv wonty-five Kt Ittne's Sinre JanuarN Forty-oven Have Mysteriously Itisappelts a Vicious Itesrts and Vice Dens Are Running VCito open A MEAN TRICK "I-h-well sah" said Brother Klirtiback "muh 'pinion o' de instigcT1 dis: I)e Dimmercrats done plt tD) prohibition des3 ult-kast 11- gluon keepers is all 'publicans" Tile 1'IA1M0q The crilitis flatidoodle flaps his flutters here and von jle's nearly always rhith'i en hail tto-r rreat things most titme We call a grand mass neietillir ai1 tiertain to he there And in the legislature liereheil peaker's 1 re mingles in etrations and cad grim idaglis By his queer tracks app2arm-1 Ite's at prot-1-isitm atal in plain sight lin the ger thanan arises who's here totilizlit Again we find him presitrit whit rt split Ivor throats IVtien some fat shak's hand :1111 flatters for vott He ll almost nmniprescitt tare all the tort And ir you seek you'it find him within titis rhyme ---Tetintistet Capt IVtintivily of the Street Pellee Station sthl his ttic up a continual ltuzz lait iiI1t a ras required in take down h' 1 he would not be disturbeti----Tidi The telephone referred to is at the captain's borne You turb anybody by ringing a Ilit'111 1 D' 11' SI- '''t -4- A li suited in strikes and riots Because Lord fiacian has been the scapecnat In much of this discontent considerable anxiety has been felt over the choice of his successor Itod in sztrillAq nrni rintg Beeaega Sinkiewisez Zola and Iluzo Ibanez stands out today as the representative of a new long submerged red blooded revolutionary Spain that is nfl ca T1 4" i 1 'WI ml ca T1 1 72 ra 1 'ti lh ki 4- 1) 1 I l' mamma i 1 I I i 1 YOU CAN'T BLAME JAPAN FOR FEELING IT AN INSULT AT A CONSIDERAVLE SALARY The Downs News says there are still some girls who wear loose gingham frocks and sunbonnet but they are in the movies If you don't believe the American people are wasteful says the Howard Courant just stop and look over the Junk dealer's line of goods of course the soldiers in the are very (Apia at adjusting thcr masks quickly but not ber1: pert as they become after they i'ot and go through the drill forty or times in order that all the 1iirty the family fricnds may soe done 4 1 l' A In line with this was the recent report from Paris that this government had no intention of banding in a bill to Germany The implication from the announcement was that it is unworthy to ask for indemnity as our Allies are doing It is probably true that there is no sentiment for asking an indemnity for America Put the reason is that Americans feel that the nations that have suffered most are preferred creditors and that it will be a physical impossibility for Germany to meet their just demands to say nothing of America's Put there is ne disposition in the 'United States for this country to appear In any sense as a German advocate Such sentiment is confined to a little group of pacifists and pro-Germans The vast majority of Amerieans regard Germany as a willful criminal that for the sake of robbing its neighbors brought untold misery on the world They believe it only right that she should be made to malo whet restitution is possible and that she should he put under restraint so that for the next generation if posible the world shall not be under this terrible menace Such a peace would not he a peace of vengeance a peace of barbarism It would be a peace of justice It would be a settlement that would help teach the world the salutary lesson that the way of the transgressor is hard The moral force of the United States 3 for such a peace irreqpective of the attitude of the (Negates who represent it in Paris MMINenM11100ple CM rIE The Chetopa Advance tells of a local citizen whose notable inability to provido for his family led a kind hearted WOMall to give his wife $2 with which to buy food The husband the Advance relates took one of the dollars and paid the tax on his dog THE LATEsr coNvEsT I am converted to the League of Nations In fact I fed so zealous over the matter that I am in favor of two leagues of nations One on this side and one on the other side of the Atlantic This kind of an arrangement while it would excrept us from participating in European ouarrels would preserve the Monroe Doctrine intact There might be some kind of an understanding or arrangement between the two leagues for them to Avork together under certain conditions This would save us from foreign entanglements against which Washington warned us Any arrangement that may in any event oblige us to send an army across the ocean to put down a rebellion or settle a scrap between twl of the half civilized countries over there does not appeal to Beck in the Holton Recorder What is the Duo Art? Ask Your Neighbor if Ile or She Doo Not Know Come Here to Hear Paderewski on The Duo Art! le I 1 1 0 '1' -I 1 :11 i 1 'i L(''ii 42 -itl) 1 Nsiii-'- oc3 tr---ii-t 1 -07t 4- a-41 Al 1 1 41 A-'' l' r4914--x'''''Vs ftiipt p- Q19 1 ch-L pe -s i err( i N- '04itr1( 'ilN i) i 'VI a o1-e--- ot' 4 tk 4 rk--f-1--A folt lir i 1 7 1'11 --t'I I 1 dt 1A-k'i 7 I l' kt 1 17 11 I) fa can A v-I-741-- T- ''4 4 V-I41 1 -7 ki i''': 1 11 I' t-- -------7-iL-- riON5T5 r'- il i e---- --3-11r 1''' 17-A-1t- -K-C- L-------- zz7 4 0 ------------4-------- 'r 0 z7' 6 4 1 -e c- --'c L---- 'tkr i lj: 0 1AS- ------c---Jr- 7fill' i)--' cN ja--7----------- '''441111''ro -141-11''' WrII IN -I 1111' la cl 11 'T It 11 l'11111 LI i A I b- 1 I 11 iko i rlk ils 1 AkIkttOl' 1 A i I 1 'N 1 4' 1 orsss)6 1 cV i 7 I 0 0 zN There is some comfort to Income tax payers in supposing with the Parsons Sun the theme tax blank bad been printed in German Ma Witsox insists that the league covenant be written into the original peace treaty as an appendix Others advise immediate operation the other way prophesying that otherwise appendicitis may appear at any time ISa IT A KANFIAM Tows? The Leavenworth Times sendg out a tracer for Drew McLaughlin who on his gale of tbe Hiawatha Democrat two or three weeks ago announced that he wag about to become the editor of a ily paper again "in a live town a little larger than Hiawatha" but the name of the town was withheld It is cry much worth your bile to note the SaNitys on used instruments in Our Spring Clearance ce K4N4itA MOVES FORWARD 71e fine ttioiiibilitics in constructive leadership shown in the sue-- it tvernor Allens program in the FeF1011 of tlio lansits Lettislature now tam important measures iieutarly the convention was Mak' tile s-sion of very great valor to tlie tutu: the state 'Ile constitTional amendments to lie snim I cive the prople (it 1latia a to troalt down in itntiortiint piA't Airs the strairiack-t poP1 101 them by tlii dat incel of Olt wit! -iiiiteconstititionTbe Clod 'hilt the state pov-rnment iigtincy for doing thim-s for tile gential welfare was distrusted in those days and Kansas has been under a constant Probably not a women's club in the would think of taking up a course in modern German magic this because German MIMIC has been nn insidious form of enemy nropag-inda dangerous to fool with "The Saturday Club" a women' orranLation in a Northeast Kansas county seat met recently and gave consisting of "How Germany Governed" "The German Spy System" "How Cermany Prepared for and "The Teachings of Nietzsche" Csatoars the signature of Chas IL Fletcher use for over thirty years and Kind oa Mayo Always Bought 1 THE Arrtroa state Ibanez the author of the "Four of stu men" is now 52 years old He as -ear born in the province of Valencia His father was a dry g00(18 merchant Ibanez rop followed the law and was graduated nut front the local university where he acdeclar( tudv (miry! a reputation as a youth very as ern advanced ideas -an antagonist of things-a prog as they-are At 1S he W391 Imprisoned ts Go for writing a diatribe against the government In 1890 his anti-monarchical Nvar writings brought him gain under government displeasure and he was forced to flee to Italy Two years later an "ears amnesty permitted hint to return He In II became one of the leading opponents of rite the government's policy in dealing withi state of study -enr declared PM tudy a program Is Nrcar" "ears In rite See Ad in This Paper Cali or write Pr IChla 11051C a 101345 Main in.

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

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